Where I'm at today Dec 15, 2007

  • Weight...200.8
  • pants size...16

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Talk about Motivation

our friends Michelle & Sweet are getting married....they've set the date for the end of May and it's going to be a sunset beach wedding in Florida....I'm definately going...I put my down payment on the condo for the weekend tonight so I can't back out... I AM GOING TO BE BACK INTO MY SIZE 10'S BY THE FIRST OF MAY!!!!! I already have in mind the dress I want to wear...

My challenge will be to get my eating under control....5 small meals a day...no more letting myself go hungry during the day so when I get home at night I binge....this will not be allowed...
I will clean out my cupboards and fridge for any foods that will sabatoge me...I will give myself 1 free day but I will buy the food on that day not keep it in the house so I won't be tempted...I will eat balanced meals (not starve myself) and drink more water.....

I will push myself at the gym...no more telling myself that I can't do it (I know I can I've done it before)....If it causes me pain that's all the more better....just means that I'm doing what I'm suppose to and I know it won't last...it will get better....besides I also have another motivator for exercise....I need to get a summer job and I'm thinking that I will try to get my nephew in law to hire me....he owns his own pool service....but first I need to get in shape so I can do the physical part of the job...not sure at this time if this is even a possibility...I know he had hired some young girl last year and she may still want to work with him...I'll have to see...but it's still a good motivator.

I lost one pound this past week...I was hoping for better but at least I didn't gain...
I did a 6 mile hike with my outdoor group yesterday..It was an easy hike....
I plan on taking some of my other friends (the bride to be is one of them...we are all trying to get beach ready) next Saturday and do the same hike weather permitting....
I've signed up for a backpacking trip in Feburary....
Lots of things going on....need to keep the momentum going....easy to do on the weekend but not so easy during the week...I just need to find a way and quit making excuses.....
need to go to bed earlier so I can get up early to get my gym bag ready and my food for the day...

1 comment:

Suzann said...

Sue - I am thinking of you - please email me - :) your friend and sister Suzann