Where I'm at today Dec 15, 2007

  • Weight...200.8
  • pants size...16

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Oh the JOY

of aches and pains.....yep, I am one stiff mama this morning....can barely move...I guess I might have overdone it yesterday at the park. I did a brisk 6 mile walk around the lake..I really pushed myself this time...no leisurely walking at all....in fact I even ran a bit the second time around....but i can tell you that last mile I was really feeling it...I had some horrendous cramps in my quads and my stress fracture on my left leg was really acting up...I should have put my band on but didn't think of it...you can bet it's on this morning..
I did good sticking to my food plan (I refuse to call it a diet) except I did add a cup of hot chocolate after dinner and before bed....no heartburn last night and no tums...how good is that?

I also listened to the 2nd tape of Body for Life for motivation...one of the things he asks is that I make a list of 5 things I want to accomplish for the day to build self confidence and self trust again.....
My list for yesterday was 1. to eat only planned meals (which I did pretty much)..2. to get some cardio (hey, the park!!!!!) 3. take shower and fix hair (took the shower but didn't get to fixing hair until this morning...it takes a lot to straighten all of my hair...I have way to much and it's way to curly). 4. to fold and put away ALL the clothes I've washed this week (bad habit of just throwing clean clothes on the bed in the guest bedroom...but I did get it done even if it was LATE last night)...5. Drink 40 oz of water (if you count the water in the hot tea, then I did it).
It's amazing how GOOD it feels to know that I've actually did something and stuck to it even if it is only for one day....Building confidence in oneself is hard work....

I've either read or heard the things that are on the tapes (I read the book a couple of years ago) but it does me good to hear it again...maybe this time it will actually stick and I'll learn how to deal with Adversity when it happens in my life again....I need to delve into WHY I let myself fall back into old bad habits and depression after all I went through to lose the weight and feel good about myself (it took me two years of hard work to lose and only 6 months to undo all that hard work). Taking a good hard look at myself and really learning how to live with all that I am is one of my NEW Goals... As BP (Bill Phillips) says ADVERSITY...EXPECT IT! SUCCEED IN SPITE OF ADVERSITY...

My list of 5 things for today!!!
1. make a food plan and stick to it..
2. Drink that 40 oz of water (not counting the hot tea)
3. do some stretching but giving my body a rest today for exercise
4. work in the office...clearing up the desk and possibly some of the junk on the floor..
5. listen to the 3rd Body for Life tape...

My food plan for today is ...breakfast...a cup of hot chocolate (i've already drank it) and a bowl of hot kashi cereal....snack ....a clemetine.....lunch....soup and a salad.....snack...cup of hot tea and an apple...dinner ...more veggie lasagna (I didn't eat it all last night) and a small salad...

My challenge to myself is that it is raining today and this is the time that I find myself wanting to eat because I'm bored staying home....so I will go to WalMart to do my shopping (after I make a list of what I'm going to buy) for the upcoming week...and work in the office...then I will treat myself this evening with finishing my book I started yesterday...if the urge to eat off plan gets to hard for me I will call The Kid or my freind Angie...actually I might even go over to Angie's house to help her pack, she's moving into a new house this week...
Sounds like a PLAN....

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