Where I'm at today Dec 15, 2007

  • Weight...200.8
  • pants size...16

Monday, December 31, 2007

So I didn't do too good

on my eating last night but I'm not going to let that stop me...I will look at what went wrong and then adjust my plan so I won't sabatoge myself and I will lose this weight...

I did good until after dinner but I just didn't feel satisfied so I ended up eating junk that I know I don't need....I sabatoged myself by not throwing away that last bit of fudge that I had hidden..thinking I would only eat one piece I ended up eating the rest of the fudge.....and once I had sugar in my system I wanted more....so I dug out those marshmellows and had a few and then I felt like I needed something crunchy& salty.....so i ate some pretzels...then I had to have some TUMS.....

OK where did I go wrong? I went back over my food plan and I see that I'm not getting enough PROTEIN....I need to get back to the Basics....Protein, Carb & Nutrients...and to promise myself a FREE DAY where I can eat anything I want...I know these are important...I just haven't been doing it...So back to the drawing board....

I know the next few days will be difficult to stick to a plan because my friends in SC do not eat healthy at all...Con tries but Paula doesn't EVER eat veggies and loves SWEETS (maybe thats why she weighs over 300 pounds). Usually I buy my own food and Con fixes me Salmon that he caught on his Alaska trip (i'm hopin for some this time too...but he told me he didn't have to much luck this year)...I know this isn't the best time for me to go as far as my getting back to losing weight but I KNOW that I'm determined enough to get back to my plan when I get back home....I know all the things I have to do...if it doesn't happen I'm not going to go into a deep depression again....I know that I have some challenges ahead of me and I will figure out the way to do what I know needs to be done....

For Breakfast this morning I cooked up the rest of the spinach & a couple egg whites with onion/fresh garlic, topped it with some parmesian Cheese and wrapped it in a spinach wrap with some thin slices of Turkey...it was good... I figure it will last me until I get to SC...I do have the rest of the Clemetines for snack that I'm taking...I don't really have a food plan for the next couple of days and I know this isn't good but I figure I'll just fly by my pants and see what happens....Usually when eating with other people I do good...it's when I'm by myself that I over indulge....More on that later...

As for the rest of my plan from yesterday, it went down the toliet too.....I never got any stretching exercises done..I used the excuse that my leg hurt too much (it really did hurt but it's all better today so I guess it was a good thing to give it a rest...)...I never got into the office to clean and I didn't go to the store to shop for the next week (figure I'll do it when I get back from SC)...I did do a pretty good job of drinking water but didn't make it to 40 oz....

So am I discourgaged...am I going to beat myself up and tell myself that I can't do this?
NO......NO..... and NO again....I will NOT let set backs sabatoge me....I will LOSE this weight and feel better about myself....I will get control of my life...

1 comment:

Suzann said...

I'm with ya sister - I am continuing my quest to lose the weight I gained this past year from quitting smoking. You are an inspiration. Good to have you back. :)